Saturday 12 April 2014

Our Tree Inquiry

Our Tree Inquiry 

We love to play under the trees during outdoor play. Each week, we observe the trees. Then, we inquire about the changes we see

We wonder:
"what things grow on a tree?"
"what things live in a tree?"

Our observations:
"some trees have different leaves"
"some trees have pine needles"
"different things grow on different trees"
"insects live in trees"
"some insects eat the tree leaves"

Our observations about changes we see in the winter

- "The trees do not have leaves".
- "When it got cold the leaves fell off the trees"
- "The pine trees still have pine needles on them". 
-"There is a big nest up high in the tree. It was a squirrel nest."

It is spring! The weather is warming up. We wonder...

What will happen to the trees now? 

 Our observations

- "The pine trees still have pine needles on them". 
-"There are seeds on the end of the tree stick."
-"There are buds on the tree branch"
-"There is a green seed in the bud"

We wonder
-"What is in the bud?"
-"When will the leaves grow back?"
 "There is a seed in the bud!"
"This is a leaf seed. A leaf will grow!"

Our tree observations:
- The bud is growing a leaf
- It's trying to get to a leaf
- The bud is open
- Leaves are sprouting on most of the trees in our school yard. Soon the tree branches will have leaves again! 

 "This is a tree bud. Leaves will grow from the bud".

Our New Wonderings:
- What is on the leaves?

Our predictions:
 - "The leaf has spiders on it" 
- "The leaf has eggs on it."

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