Monday 21 April 2014

Our Circle Art Inquiry

We are exploring circles at the art centre

Our New Learning
-"We can make abstract art with circles"
-"We can use circles to make things in our paintings"
-"bingo dabbers make circle prints"
-"a lid is a good circle tool"
-"We can make prints with a lid"
-"We can use lots of circles"
-"We can use different colours to make cirlce paintings" 

We wonder:
- What other objects can we make cirlce prints with?
- What other types of circles can we make?
- What other materials can we use to make circles?
- What artists use circles in their art?


 We will continue to explore circles at the art centre this month! Stay tuned!

We took a class survey. Most students like Kandinsky's circle art. 5 students do not like Kandisnky's circle art.

"We made 15 circles!"

Our Kandinsky inspired art!

Our collaborative art project for the Spring Fling Art Show! 

 Circle Tree

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