Saturday 26 April 2014

Our Garden Inquiry

We started a new garden in our kindergarten yard in the fall. We planted tulip bulbs and pumpkin seeds in our garden! 

The winter season is over. All the snow has melted and we can see our garden again! 

We wonder:

-What will we find in the garden?
-Have the pumpkin seeds grown?
-Have the tulip bulbs grown?

Our observations: 
- "The pumpkin seeds started to grow"
- "The pumpkin plant died"
- "There is grass growing in the garden"
- "Some pumpkin seeds did not grow"
- "The tulips are growing"
- "The tulip stem is coming up"  
- "There are pine cones in our garden"
- "There are leaves in the garden" 
- "There are warms in the garden" 

"This pumpkin seed did not grow"
"The pumpkin plant died"

"The pumpkin plant started to grow"
"There are worms in the dirt"
"The tulip is growing!"
"There are 10 tulips growing"

"We can plant a rock in the garden"

Will a rock grow?
Is a rock a living or non-living thing?
"There are ants in the garden!"
"It is a biting ant"
Why are there ants in our garden?
Are ants good for our garden?
" The tulip is 4 blocks long"
"This tulip is 5 blocks long"
Most of our tulips are  4 blocks long now

"This tulip is 8cm long"

Our new wonderings about gardens

We wonder:
- When will the tulip grow into a flower?
- Are the worms good or bad for our garden?
- How will we take care of our tulips?
- What other plants can we plant in our garden?
- Will ants hurt our garden?
- What type of plants do butterflies like? 
-What things grow in a garden?

We will continue to observe our garden this spring to find answers to our questions. We will also learn how to care for our garden.

New Learning:
This week we found a ladybug in the garden! 
-"ladybugs live in gardens"
-"worms live in gardens"

We wonder: 
What other living things live in a garden? 

Our Butterfly Garden Plan

On Earth day we made garden plans with our learning buddies. We decided to make a garden that butterflies will like. Our learning buddies helped us research the type of plants that butterflies like. We will continue to draw garden plans at the writing centre! 

Earth Day Fun
Our learning buddies also lead a fun Project Wild game for us. We learned about shrinking habitats in our environment.

 Our New Learning:
- The animals and insects live in plants
- A good habitat has lots of plants for food
- A good habitat has lots of plants to give animals and insects shelter

Our Indoor Garden

We made an indoor garden in our classroom this week.

We wonder:
- How long will it take for the seeds to grow into flowers?"
- Will the flowers grow faster inside or outside?
- How can we take care of the flowers? 
- What flowers will grow best? The flowers by the window or the flowers hidden from the sun? 

Observing our plants at the science centre

Our observations:
- "Our flowers are growing already"
- "I see a sprout"
"I see roots growing"
"I see it is trying to be a flower"
"I see the plant growing bigger"

 "These are the roots"
"Mrs Stock said they are like a straw. The roots drink up the water"

Outdoor Play

We wonder:
What do we need in our imaginary garden?

 "we need flowers"
"we need roots"
 "we need a bird bath"
"We need fire flies"

"our garden needs sun and rain"

We had so much fun measuring our tulips that we wanted to find other things to measure during outdoor play.

We wonder:
What other things can we measure with a ruler? 

Look at what we found! What type of insect is this?
 We see tulip bulbs!

Our Tulip observations:
- The tulip bulb made a flower
- A flower sprouted from the flower bud
- The tulips are growing  taller
- Some tulips are longer
- Some tulips are shorter 
- The longest tulip is 25 blocks long 
- 13 tulips grew in our garden!

 "This tulip is 27 cm long"
 What is inside the tulip?
" The yellow tulip is 13 cm longs"

 We found a June bug in the garden.  
Do June bugs like flowers?

Our New Wonderings:
- What is inside the tulip?
- Why are some tulips shorter?
- How long will the tulips be. Will they keep growing?