Saturday 29 March 2014

Our 3 Dimensional Shape Inquiry

Our 3 Dimensional Shape Inquiry
We wonder:
What 3 dimensional shapes are best for building towers?
What tower is the sturdiest?

First, we made our hypothesis about what tower we thought would be the sturdiest! 

Next,  we tested our hypothesis 

Then, we made observations!

Our New Learning:
- Rectangular prisms and cubes are the best shapes for building towers because they have flat sides.
- Shapes with flat sides like the cube make tall towers
- Cones are not good shapes for building. They have points and we cannot  place things on the point.
- Spheres are not good shapes to use. They roll.
- The sphere rolls off the tower 
- The cone can go at the top of our tower

 "My tower is 10 hands long"
"This is a cube tower"
 "........ is longer than our tower"
".......... is shorter than our tower"

We explored 2D and 3D shapes at various centres too!

 "We can sort 2D and 3D shapes"
 "2D shapes are flat" 
"I can fill the 3D shapes with water"
"We cannot put water in the 2D shapes"
"The square and rectangle has 4 sides!"

"I can make a shape pattern"

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