Saturday 29 March 2014

Snow Inquiry

Our Snow Inquiry

We made observations about the weather.

Our observations: 
"We have got a lot of snow"
"It snows when it is cold"
"the snow comes up to my knee"
We wondered:
What can we do with all the snow? 
Why does it snow?

Students explored the snow at the water table.
 The students measured the temperature of snow, the air inside and outside and the temperature of the melted snow. We explored different books about snow at the reading centre and found that snow flakes are formed in the air when the temperature is cold.

-"snow melts inside because it is warmer"
-"snow melts faster when we put it in water because the water is warmer too"
-"snow turns into water when it melts"
- "the snow is colder than water"

Our new learning:
Rain turns into snow when the temperature is freezing.

Students made snow castles at the water/snow table. We found that snow can be art! The students embarked on a snow sculpture inquiry.

We wondered:
What do we need to make snow sculptures? 

Our new learning:
-Snow absorbs water colours just like paper!
-We can carve the snow with different tools to make cool shapes

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