Saturday 31 May 2014

Our Insect Inquiry

Today, during outdoor play, we made an exciting observation. 


Our observations: 

- "The Caterpillars are sleeping on the bark"

- "The caterpillars are crawling up the tree"

- "The caterpillars are trying to eat the leaves"

We wonder:

- Will the caterpillars turn into butterflies?

- Where did the caterpillars come from?

- Are they going to eat all the tree leaves?  

 "The caterpillars are going to go on a leaf"

"The caterpillars want to eat all the leaves"

"They are crawling in a line"

 our caterpillars on a leaf art
Ms. V found caterpillars on her tree at home. We observed the caterpillars at the science centre this week.

Our New Learning:

- "Tent caterpillars eat tree leaves"

- "Tent caterpillars turn into moths"

- "They go in a cacoon"

- "They make tents on trees"

- "The tent caterpillars come from an egg and then turn into caterpillars". 

This week, different caterpillars have been at the science centre!

Our observations:

"The caterpillars are bigger than the tent caterpillars"
"The caterpillars have spikes on them"
"The caterpillars have yellow dots"
"The caterpillars are eating the soy blocks"

We wonder about caterpillars:

- "What will the caterpillars turn into to?"
- "Will they grow bigger?"
- "Where did the caterpillars come from?"
- "What do they eat"? 

Our new learning about the butterfly lifecycle: 

First, the caterpillars ate lots of food and got bigger. 

Next, the caterpillars went into a chrysalis.  

Then, the caterpillars moulted into a butterfly.

Finally, the butterflies came out of the chrysalis.
Lastly, the butterflies collected nectar from the oranges. 

Our new learning about butterflies:

- "Butterflies come from a chrysalis"
- "Butterflies drink nectar"
- "Butterflies need to dry their wings when they come out of the chrysalis"
- "Butterflies have red fluid on their wings when they come out of the  
  chrysalis". It is called meconium.
- "The caterpillars turned into painted lady butterflies!" 
- "The butterflies have yellow spots on their antennas"
- "The butterflies have orange, black  and gray wings. They have white spots 
- "Painted Lady Butterflies look like monarch butterflies. Painted Lady   
   Butterflies have a gray body and monarchs are black"

Today, we went to the park to set the Painted Lady Butterflies free!

Today, we found a bee in our yard! 

Our observations:

- "The bee is drinking nectar"
- "The bee is getting food from the flower"
- "The bee has yellow stuff on it from the flower!"
- "The bee is getting pollen" 

We wonder:

- What other insects drink nectar from flowers?